Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jillian Michaels Workouts

I'm loving Squidoo. It is so fun to create lenses. Here is the one I created last night. It is about Jillian Michaels workouts and Jillian Michaels Total Body Kit and Jillian Michaels K-Swiss Collection. Jillian Michaels is inspiring. I learned that as a child she was teased for being overweight. She also suffered with night tremors and went through some other tough stuff. But that is what made her who she is today. She is a tough trainer, with a big heart. She pushes those she trains to do what it takes to get the results. Obesity is a huge problem for many people. It is too easy to over eat and eat the wrong kinds of foods. Todays lifestyle requires little physical activity compared to every civilization before us. We have cars, washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, remote controls, and many even have computers in our hands. We can access movies, social networks, and information all while sitting on our behinds. We may have to get up to microwave a hot pocket, but we can spend much more time being idle then other peoples. Enough of that soap box.

I had a lot of fun playing Just Dance 4 with my younger children over the weekend. I got quite a workout and even won Livin' La Vida Loca. It is hilarious to watch the kids play.
Becca made a video of her baby brother dancing. With the Xbox Kinect even he can play.

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