Friday, January 25, 2013

Heel Spur Pain Treatment

Heel spurs, also known as plantar fasciitis, can be very painful making it difficult to walk. Luckily there are ways to relieve the heel spur pain and avoid costly surgery. For more information you can visit this squidoo page on heel spur home remedies or continue reading below.
First let's take a look at the causes of heel spur pain and then look at treatment options. Heel spurs are caused by too much pressure on the fatty pad in the heel of the foot. A calcium deposit then grows on the heel of the foot. This pointy calcium deposit is the heel spur. The heel spur then irritates the ligaments in the foot causing inflammation and creating the pain. Who is most likely to suffer from heel spur pain? Athletes, overweight men and women, pregnant women, and wearing improper shoes, ones with little padding, or poor arch support often have pain associated with heel spurs.
What can be done about heel spur pain? The first thing that you can do to bring relief is to rest your foot. Putting pressure on your foot creates more inflammation. Inflammation is the true cause of pain, not the actual heel spur. It is possible to have a heel spur without any pain. Along with rest ice will help cure the inflammation. Or if you prefer heat you can also put a heating pad on your heel for 20 minutes a day. The heat increases the blood flow to your foot and this helps to heal the inflammation.
There are also exercises that you can to to stretch the ligaments in your foot. Something as simple as rolling your foot over a water bottle can bring much needed relief from the pain caused by heel spurs.
There is no reason to suffer from heel spurs. There are things you can do today to start healing your heel spur.
If the pain is chronic the best thing to do is use heel pads in your shoes. Heel pads help to relieve the pressure on the fatty pad in your foot. The ligaments are then no longer stressed and the inflammation goes down and takes the pain away with it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Squidoo is Fun!

What is Squidoo? Squidoo is a place on the web where anyone can create free web pages about almost anything. It's a place to write, inform, and learn. Who is Squidoo for? Anyone who likes to write, teach, read, or learn. There are lenses-the Squidoo name for web pages on Squidoo-about food, games, celebrations, families, people, places, illnesses, the list is never ending. If you've never been to Squidoo you to check it out. Just click on Squidoo anywhere in this post. Or to go to my profile page click here. Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jillian Michaels Workouts

I'm loving Squidoo. It is so fun to create lenses. Here is the one I created last night. It is about Jillian Michaels workouts and Jillian Michaels Total Body Kit and Jillian Michaels K-Swiss Collection. Jillian Michaels is inspiring. I learned that as a child she was teased for being overweight. She also suffered with night tremors and went through some other tough stuff. But that is what made her who she is today. She is a tough trainer, with a big heart. She pushes those she trains to do what it takes to get the results. Obesity is a huge problem for many people. It is too easy to over eat and eat the wrong kinds of foods. Todays lifestyle requires little physical activity compared to every civilization before us. We have cars, washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, remote controls, and many even have computers in our hands. We can access movies, social networks, and information all while sitting on our behinds. We may have to get up to microwave a hot pocket, but we can spend much more time being idle then other peoples. Enough of that soap box.

I had a lot of fun playing Just Dance 4 with my younger children over the weekend. I got quite a workout and even won Livin' La Vida Loca. It is hilarious to watch the kids play.
Becca made a video of her baby brother dancing. With the Xbox Kinect even he can play.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Just Dance 4 is Fun!!!!

We love to dance. So when they started making dance games for video game consoles I was excited. My kids have so much fun. So when just dance 4 came out I had to get it.

 Of course I had to get it. My kids have so much fun when they play dance games. So I went to my favorite internet shopping place. Amazon of course. And I bought it on Saturday December 22nd. With my Amazon Prime I paid $0 in shipping and had it Monday December 24th. I call that awesome.

My kids had a ton of fun with Just Dance 4 on Christmas Eve. I love having the Xbox Kinect because no controls are needed. That means I don't have to buy extra batteries or charge controllers. The kids hop in and out of the game when they want to play and the Kinect sensor picks up on that and adjusts the game to include or exclude who ever is playing. The one draw back to that is when my toddler wanders in front of the sensor and messes up one of his brothers or sisters score.  But we've learned to laugh it off. It is after all about the fun.


My new Squidoo just for you. Check it out to see more of what I think about Just Dance 4

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Rocks!

It's the beginning of a new year. We've just spent the last couple of months partying and hiding under sweaters and jackets. Maybe you still are. But Summer will be here sooner than we think so time to make that new year's resolution a reality!

Jillian Michaels can help. Her Body Revolution set of 15 DVDs with a variety of exercises and levels has revolutionized many bodies. Who is Jillian Michaels? She is a personal trainer who can be seen on Big Loser, and season 1 of Losing it. She is a tough trainer with a big heart who reaches out to families and individuals who need to lose weight and make a change to a healthier lifestyle.

See more products by Jillian Michaels on squidoo.

Amazon Rocks!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ray Ban Wayfarers 2132 Sunglasses

What sunglasses are the coolest ever? Ray Ban Wayfarers are! They have been worn by famous people such as Bob Dylan, the Blue's Brothers, and JFK. They are classic cool sunglasses that never really go out of style. And right now they are a perfect addition to any hipster look.

 If you want a pair Amazon has them $40 to $80 dollars below retail!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You Can Never Have Too Many Wireless Controllers for Your Xbox

Have you ever had an Xbox game that could be played by 4 players, and you had 4 people who wanted to play, but not enough controllers? Or have you ever been really into a game with your wired controller only to emotionally move it too far and then become unplugged or even worse pull the game console onto the floor and ruin your awesome game? Or maybe you just want a new  Xbox wireless controller.

I, Mamademuchos, thinks that Amazon is a great place to get that extra or new wireless Xbox controller. I love Amazon by the way. I did over half my Christmas shopping there. And with my Prime membership I didn't pay any shipping. Love it. But I forgot about Amazon when I purchased my new Xbox  wireless controller. I went to another store and paid over 10 bucks more, plus gas. My bad. Next time it's Amazon for me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome To My Blog

Hi, I'm Mamademuchos, aka Daneece. As a mother of 12 running a household takes a lot of "stuff". I have children from infants to teens and everything in between. They are always asking for "stuff". Sometimes I don't know if that "stuff" is good or bad. So I use the internet a lot to search what they are asking for. I also use it to search for "stuff" for my husband and myself.

This blog is dedicated to reviewing "stuff". I'll post what I think and what others think about many things that we purchase for our families.

Thanks for visiting.